I was talking about this last night and what's the deal human minds? Why do we think of things the way we do? We talk about endings in life and processes and events; this ends that ends or looking forward something has a due date or expiration date? Why do we get hung up on these things, isn't it possible to look beyond the end? I know it sounds stupid at first, but anything? Why not. Maybe its a dumb thought, but I like it a lot better than ending things, its all just a change in the game anyway isn't it? The day ends a new one begins, with death comes life, sadness comes happiness. I always thought it grand that a refresh was natural to the world. Plants die in the winter, come back in the spring. New earth refreshes old with volcanoes, a forest burns down and a new one grows. Maybe that's enough blabbing for now. I'll get back into cooler things with my next post.
I really hope you took a philosophy class in college bud??